Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursdays.....

So here we are, Thursday again and my time to reflect on the things that make me smile.......Oh, where to begin:

1. I believe that my boys will always have to be number 1 on this list! No doubt about it!

2. Looking ahead to my future, as uncertain as it may be right now. There is a bit of excitement in knowing that I don't know what is to come.

3. Loving my new ink.

4. I am truly thankful for the wonderful friends that have imbedded themselves into my heart. I would not be sane without them!

5. I am thankful for the ability to see light through clouds.

Happy Living all!


Mel said...

AMEN....and your little write up to the SO will always have LOVE through your boys...and it forsure is TRUE:) I just left a message on your other blog too!!