Monday, September 27, 2010

Project 365: Day 58 - Ahhhh... Better now....

Ok, so the headache is finally gone!! Unbelievable! That jerk hung around for almost 24 hours straight. But all is well now.

Funny how, when you feel like crap, you start thinking about all the things you're going to change about how you live (more exercise, no drinking, must eat better, etc. etc. etc.) and then when you're feeling better, you're like, screw that. I'm all better now. I need a drink!

So I'm drinking my wine and looking for a photo to post. I'm glad that I set out my own rules for my Project 365: Otherwise, I would have been taking some very boring pictures just to get one for every day. I actually like the idea of pulling from my archive of photos, because there are some really great ones. Like this one.....

58 of 365: My very own Fire Man......

Good Night All!