Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Project 365: Day 73 - Chef Wanted.....

I wish I could cook. I really like cooking, but I'm not creative and have to follow the recipe explicitly. And even though I don't have the time to cook and I don't have the time to be creative, I still manage to collect cook books. The pictures are so enticing that I tell myself, "ok this is the one. This is the book that changes it all." And of course, said cookbook sits in a pretty little corner of my kitchen collecting dust.

But still, I really wish I could have that drive to just walk through the door after a long day of work (and pulling multiple muscles in my back and shoulder trying to keep each child on "his" side of the car while sitting in traffic) and whip up some fantastic meal that both me and my boys love. I would feel proud that I could cook something so wonderful. I would be elated that my boys couldn't get enough. And I would be satisfied that my children are getting a nutritious, well balanced meal. Instead, I run through the door, turn on the oven, change clothes while it preheats, separate the boys from whatever fight they're having, and throw in whatever frozen concoction we decide on that night. It's really sad. And I feel guilty.

I try to read the articles about "easy meals for moms" and "quick and healthy", but nothing seems to stick. I'm either overly pressed for time or my kids wrinkle up their noses as if I asked them to eat a live snake. So the rare time I do try to be a "real" mom and cook "real" food, it usually goes uneaten and I end up throwing together two ham and cheese sandwiches.

I honestly don't know what to do. I'm seriously asking for some feedback tonight. Please tell me what works for you. do you cook all day Sunday and freeze everything for the week? Do you cook a really wonderful meal, but only every other night during the week? How do you handle even the pickiest child?

I just need to hire chef. Anyone looking for a job? The pay is minimal and the kids are super impatient. But the joy of knowing you helped a talentless cook in need and prevented the future bad eating habits of two great kids would be priceless!!

73 of 365: Another pic that has nothing to do with the post. Whatever....

Good Night All!


Unknown said...

Give yourself a break. You are in the same position as the rest of us. Even if you were to cook a 3 course, home cooked meal, who's to say they would eat it anyway? Kids are CONSTANT changelings, and if you are lucky, you get ONE good meal in them. This is a CONSTANT struggle for me and my girls. They eat pizza, chic fli a, and "brenner" WAAAYYYY more than they should. Whatever......I'm tired damn it. I save my energy for "real" battles.

Unknown said...

Give yourself a break. You are in the same position as the rest of us. Even if you were to cook a 3 course, home cooked meal, who's to say they would eat it anyway? Kids are CONSTANT changelings, and if you are lucky, you get ONE good meal in them. This is a CONSTANT struggle for me and my girls. They eat pizza, chic fli a, and "brenner" WAAAYYYY more than they should. Whatever......I'm tired damn it. I save my energy for "real" battles.