Sunday, September 19, 2010

Project 365: Day 50 - Sharing.........

Another milestone reached in this "Project 365" endeavor of mine. 50 days. Again, and I repeat, I really only thought I would make it to day 20 if I was lucky. As parents, many of you understand the chaotic schedule that comes with bringing up small human beings. Those of you that joined the single parent club, like myself, understand the greater chaos. But somehow, I seemed to have kept an unlikely commitment. If you've read previous posts, you know now that I tend to be flaky with some commitments. Usually the ones that involve exercise, religion or higher eduction tend to fall on the back burner in commitment land. (wow, those are probably the ones I should stick with, huh?) Needless to say, I am thrilled with my perseverance.

As a milestone present, I would like to ask each of my followers or facebook friends to do me a small favor. I've never really been one to want to significantly grow my readership. I'm not an attention getter. I usually shy away from any kind of spot light. I did not start this blog to gain a huge number of "fans". But as I have continued this Project 365 journey, I have received some amazing comments from people that are going through similar situations as myself.

As a "mom blogger", I read a lot of other mom blogs and I am discovering something I didn't realize in the beginning. And that is: the lack of single mom bloggers in the blog-o-sphere. There are hundreds of parenting blogs and mom blogs, but not as many uplifting single parent blogs as I would like. Most single parenting blogs involve too much negative backlash from the dark side of separation or divorce. Moms are too busy bad mouthing the fathers (or vice-verse) and the voice of single parenting gets lost in all the anger. My site is not about that and I hope my readers would agree. I set out to discover who I was again, but in new skin. And to show my boys that mama and daddy do not have to be in love (or even in like sometimes) to show them that they are loved and will always be loved by both parents no matter what. I hope I am succeeding.

So if you agree with my words or want to believe in my words or if you know someone who may, I would be honored if you gave the "50th Project 365 Post"gift of sharing. Share with someone you think might benefit from knowing they are not alone in this journey. Share with someone you think might have their own insightful comments that I could learn from. Share with someone who likes parental sarcasm. Or share with someone (preferably a single dad) you think might want to date me. I kid.... Kinda.

Either way, I want to thank you for sticking with me through this adventure, in web life and real life. You guys know who you are. I love you lots.

50 of 365: A few of my favorites from this weekend.....

The faces I get when I say "Smile!"

Thinking up his evil plot.....

Mr. Prissy pants....

Good Night All!


Cheryl Lage said...

Raina, these are hysterical and wondrous moments captured.

Happy to be a "follower!"